How to use application
In the application "Language consultations: electronic database", by typing a query in the search engine, it is possible to search both in question entries and sources, or choose searching only in question entries of sources, by selecting the appropriate filter next to the "Search" menu. The first five question entries and ten sources are shown in search results.
The entry can be opened by clicking on arrow on the right side of the question entry bar. You will see an answer, bibliography and linguistic topics the question belongs to.
To see more results, you can click on "All results" under the question entries. To see more results in the sources, click on "All results" under the bibliography.
If the reference is clickable, you can open it in a new tab.
If you hover your mouse on a linguistic topic, you can see the full "path" of linguistic topic: all linguistic subtopics that this question belongs to.
All the related question entries and sources are shown when clicking on a linguistic topic.
The question entry can be printed out or the link can be shared by opening the entry in a new tab.
In the section "Linguistic topics" the whole list of linguistic topics is shown. It is possible to expand their subtopics by clicking on the arrow. If you click on any linguistic topic, you can find all the questions that belong to the relevant linguistic topic.
The entry can be opened by clicking on arrow on the right side of the question entry bar. You will see an answer, bibliography and linguistic topics the question belongs to.
To see more results, you can click on "All results" under the question entries. To see more results in the sources, click on "All results" under the bibliography.
If the reference is clickable, you can open it in a new tab.
If you hover your mouse on a linguistic topic, you can see the full "path" of linguistic topic: all linguistic subtopics that this question belongs to.
All the related question entries and sources are shown when clicking on a linguistic topic.
The question entry can be printed out or the link can be shared by opening the entry in a new tab.
In the section "Linguistic topics" the whole list of linguistic topics is shown. It is possible to expand their subtopics by clicking on the arrow. If you click on any linguistic topic, you can find all the questions that belong to the relevant linguistic topic.